Hello and welcome to you and February!
I’m glad January and its blues have gone it’s been a long month.
I hope you are well,
I’m guessing everyone is feeling pretty relieved to see the back of January. I know I am. I’ve noticed a few tiny snowdrops on my daily walks which is a sure sign spring is just around the corner, hooray! Hopefully things might start to look a bit better soon.
I’ve noticed I have lots of new subscribers to the website and that’s exciting for me. I’m so glad we created the website in the first lockdown, it’s helped keep me busy and given me valid reasons to be in the shop - any excuse to escape home-schooling (especially when its maths or grammar).
I’d like to welcome any new subscribers and thank you.
I promise I won’t bombard you with weekly emails but if I find anything exciting or have new stock arriving, I shall let you know. So, you will have first chance to browse and purchase.
I’m expecting a delivery of some moongazing hares very soon from Cornwall.
Chloe Harford makes a unique range of Raku fired ceramic animals in her workshop on the banks of the River Tamar.

Raku pottery is rapidly fired until glowing hot (1,000° c); it's then taken from the kiln whilst still glowing and placed in a container of sawdust, this instantly combusts and the shock of the air causes the glaze to craze at which point it is covered and left to cool, the smoke from the burning sawdust penetrates the crazing giving the distinctive black lines.
She has been making animal sculpture for 12 years and have been inspired both by the local wildlife found on the land surrounding the workshop which is set in 6 acres of woodland on the banks of the river Tamar. Left untouched the land has water meadows and ponds, which has become a haven for the numerous wildlife in the area. The Tamar Valley has a long mining history and the workshop itself stands close to one of these mines. Tin, copper and tungsten were once mined here and the whole valley is rich in minerals, some of which are used for her glazes and colour.
I recently posted a photo of my own Raku hares and got a very positive response, hence the order!
New Emma Bridgewater designs are now in, along with the Peanuts tea towels,
the Peanut mugs unfortunately are stuck in Europe somewhere and hopefully will find a way into the UK soon!

I’ll keep you posted
Bye for now
Jess x